Okay..so this week has been pretty blah so far...that is until I heard the BIG NEWS. According to Yahoo! News (the best news source on the planet) Womens waistlines are creeping back up!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I've been complaining about low-riders for who knows how long. Call me style-retarded, call me Old Fashioned but whatever you do don't call me "the girls whos ass-crack hangs out of her pants." How did pants start riding so low in the first place??? I mean, it all happened so fast. Out with the natural waistlines and in with bikini waxing and thongs placed ever-so-obviously crawlling up your back. Barf!! It's a total faux-pah to have normal underwear hanging out the back, but your actual crevis......no biggie.
watch this!!!
Stupid comment of the Day: When Tall K asked me to ask The Opposer if he could borrow 5 bucks.
Whistle while you work! Hitler is a jerk! Moussolini bit his weenie, now it doesn't work.
Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg. The Batmobile lost 4 wheels and the joker got away.
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