aka: Big Boss, Captain Flat Top
Likes: Going to see dragon movies with his daughter, Coca-Cola classic, watching car shows, reading about cars, and detailing cars, bar-b-queing with his neighbors, house work
Dislikes: stories about snot, power clapping, dating

aka: Little Boss, The Ruiner
Likes: Teaching daughter to power clap, finding peoples physical flaws and giving them a nickname that highlights said flaw, telling people "no", giving me a hard time, Gary Stories
Dislikes: People who don't put in a work order, frequent tardiness, getting squirrel gifts, murder

aka: Lemon Head, Kitten, Tiger, Chicken Sandwich
Likes: Nine Inch Nails, turkey burgers, hippie girls, LOST, 80's nights, long relationships that go nowhere
Dislikes: migranes, being called kitten, being tied down, beef

aka: The Interupter
Likes: celebrity gossip, Jesus, Dan Zettwoch, power clapping, fad diets, and pretty much anything for a week
Dislikes: getting guilted, pee on the toilet seat, hugging and crying at work, seeing co-workers legs, wedding planning

aka: The Vapor
Likes: Gigantic Headphones, architecture, big words, long leisurely breakfasts, soccer, art, and pesto
Dislikes: Haircuts and idiots

aka: The Illustrator
Likes: Makin' stuff, drawing, taking walks at lunch, the Grateful Dead, his family
Dislikes: Oppression, dresscode

aka: Shmitty, The Opposer
Likes: Wasabi Peanuts, gross food, disagreeing, photography, photoshop, good tunes, going to lunch
Dislikes: last minute requests, people touching his stuff and/or not putting it back where it goes, agreeing with anything

aka: uh...sam
Likes: Her dog, Carrie Underwood, having a good time, running, taking care o' herself, coffee and hot chocolate, being single
Dislikes: old boyfriends, trying to sell houses, stressss!

aka: yet to be determined
Likes: Jim from the Office, LOST, HOw I Met Your Mother, Napoleon Dynamite - basically watching tv, costume parties, kickball, razzing people
Dislikes: The Bachelor, disorder (I'm sure there's more but she hasn't been here that long)

Likes: Barking, walking, wearing his pig costume
Dislikes: Low batteries, being dropped and stepped on, mechanical cats
People who have nothing to do with DCS, but everything to do with me and are essential charachters in much of my story-telling.

aka: Sweet Dan
Likes: Me, Amy, the cats, good old-fashioned fun, alternative comics, eating food, hard-core punk, hard work, coffee, being helpful
Dislikes: being away from me

aka: my roomate amy
Likes: Expensive purses, Marley the dog, nephews, drinking beer and actin' a fool, folding laundry, crime documentaries, bossing, sleeping
Dislikes: doing dishes, being guilted, being lonely, calling customer service people, people she thinks are stupid
Wow, I really miss you guys. Sigh.
-The Etiquattor
did you take the picture of dan and then take the picture of amy like right after that? cause it looks like he is in the background wondering where the hell the camera went...
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