Friday, October 21, 2005

the bathroom is not your boardroom

Okay...Another Bathroom blunder I must expose. But Before I go off on my tangent about appropriate bathroom etiquite, you'll need a little background info. By the time I actually peel myself from my chair and head down the mile long hallway to the "ladie's room" I've already been holding it for atleast a few hours. So I hope you can understand that when I make it down there and encounter some terrible scene of innapropriateness, not only am I aggrevated.......but I HAVE GOT TO GO!!!!!!

So..the other day I run/walk down to the bathroom, swing open the door...and what do I find?!?!?!?!?! Two ladies who shall remain nameless HAVING A MEETING IN THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!! There's so much to say about this.. I mean how did this meeting come about??? Did they plan it???? Did they peek under the stall and recognize one-anothers shoes and innitate a convo????? I can't answer any of those questions...all I know is I had to pee and they were standing right there in the middle of the bathroom talking business...BLOCKING MY FAVORITE STALL!!!!! So I had no choice but to go to the stall I hate!! THE Giant and intimidating stall #3. ARGH!!!!!!!!!! Then ofcourse I had to deal with "stage fright" until they finally took their meeting where it belongs....ANYWHERE BUT THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!

In other news. Incase you didn't already know, JJ and I are offical. There....I said it. Now leave me alone.

The FUNNIEST COMMENT EVER MADE goes to: Little BOSS!!!!!!! Yesterday when LB, Lemonhead and myself were walking to our cars, Lemonhead noticed a leaf sitting atop LB's Head. when we pointed it out, he said in a child like voice "Hey!! Leaf me alone!!!!!" HAHAHhahahhaHAHAHAH the funniest thing ever. .....i guess you had to be there.

The stupid comment of the day: I think I'll go ahead and give this one to myself. I keep repeating the LB Leaf joke to everyone I see......they usually look at me like I'm retarded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you and jj official. now what can we tease you about?