Okay, okay. So I know I've been neglecting the ole blog.....and let's be honest, I've been neglecting everything for the past couple months- my car, my apartment, my friends, my personal hygene......I'm sure it's due to seasonal defective disorder. Everything is so grey and drab- and cold- and dismal; and I better quit talking about it before I depress myself again.
Anyways, I couldn't help but be overcome with inspiration today. It's been a very eventful week here at DCS. First off, now that I'm hanging out with a Jehovah's Witness, I've had TONs of crazy stuff to gossip about and make fun of, THEN Lemonhead's lookalike girlfriend made some delicious little love chocolates for valentines day (which I ate most of) THEN Little Boss had his baby (welcome to the world little Iris!) and having guessed the right day in the baby pool I won a smashing little Ice Crusher circa 1984. I opened the lid and I think it even has some of it's original mildew!!! AND THEN I got a new computer!!!! But..this last little slice of excitement REALLY peaked my astonishmentness. Can you guess what it could have been?? Can you imagine what has freed me from my dungeon of winter gloom??? Yes...THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! Something DID happen in the ladies bathroom!!!!!
We've all heard the horror stories....you know the ones, you go to the bathroom in a public place or at your boyfriends parent's house and the toilet overflows, spilling your shame onto the linolium. I was begginng to think that stories like this were just urban legends. I've heard a thousand of them, but still, in all of my 25 years, I have never ACTUALLY WITNESSED this phenomenon.....UNTIL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!
It all went down in stall #1.....my favorite. The Etiquater has always voiced her opinion on the unreliability of stall #1's equipment, but, when forced to choose between a faulty toilet (that up until this point is only here-say) and a haunted stall who's door mysteriously opens right as you sit down..i'll take my chances with the underdog (that's stall #1)
So---here's the play by play of todays event: First, I go in the stall....... (some text has been removed due to content that Lemonhead might find offensive)...So, I flush the toilet.....or so I THOUGHT!!!!!! I turned around and noticed that some of the TP hadn't made it down, SO I flush the toilet again and thougt to myself "maybe I should hold it down." Well....my intuition failed me once again. Before I even had time to register what was happening, the water was spilling over like Niagra!!!!!! Ofcourse I did what any normal person would do in that situation. I high-tailed it outta there and pretended it never happened. Atleast until I got back to the room, then I made the appropriate embarrassing phone calls.
The big dilema here is not neccisarrily (my spelling) or the fact that the toilet overflowed.....the big dilema is WHERE THE HECK AM I GONNA GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW???!!