This is a transcript of a healthy phone conversation between two people when one person asks another to attend an event and the other person has to say no.
Person A: Hey, A! I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me this weekend. That guy I introduced you to will be there!!
Person B: Oh, A, I wish I could, but I have to work.
Person A: Oh, that’s too bad. Are you sure you can’t get away for a couple hours???
B: No. I’ve got a lot to get done in the next month and a lot of people counting on me so I need to use this weekend to get a good head start.
A: I totally understand. We’ll miss you, but I hope you get a lot done!!!
B: Thanks for inviting me and I hope you guys have fun! And tell that guy I said Hi!
A: Oh I will! Talk to you later!
B: Bye!
A: Bye!
Now this is a transcript of the conversations between me and my sister this weekend:
Ring! Ring!
Jenny: Hello?
Kelly: Hey!
Jenny: Hey! What’s up?
Kelly: Oh nothing, I’m just heading to the store. I just wanted to call and see if you are coming to church with us tomorrow.
Jenny: Nope. I can’t. I am painting all weekend. I have several commissioned paintings that I need to get done.
Kelly: UH!!! WHAT!?!!?
Jenny: Sorry. I wish I could, but I made myself swear that I would commit to painting all weekend.
Kelly: JENNY!!!!! Come on! It’s 2 hours! What about Kyle!?!?! Don’t you want to see him again!?!?! You HAVE to come!
Jenny: Kelly, I’m sorry, but I CAN’T.
Kelly: Yes you can. Just come to church in the morning and then go home and paint!!! You’ll have the whole rest of the day!!
Jenny: It really doesn’t work that way. I’m at my most creative in the morning. I get up at 7 and start painting.
Kelly: SO, get up and paint then come to church and go back! What’s the big deal!?!
Jenny: Kelly, I can’t just quit in the middle to get all spruced up, drive 30 minutes to church, sit there for an hour, and drive 30 minutes back and get back to business.
Kelly: Well, - ugh, good grief, do you have to have them done right NOW!?!?!
Jenny: (I snap a little inside.) YES!!!! I’m going out of town the next 2 weekends!!! If I don’t get a good start on them I’m going to spend the next 2 weeks completely freaking out!!
Kelly: Where are you going next weekend?
Jenny: I’m going to Lake of the Ozarks with my friends from bible study. We’ve had it planned since July.
Kelly: So, you’re gonna go to Lake of the Ozarks with your friends, but you can’t come to church with us for 2 measly hours??? Why don’t you skip going to the lake, then you’ll have all next weekend to paint!
Jenny: WHAT!?!?! NO!!! Then I’d be letting all of them down, and besides, I’ve been looking forward to this trip!!!
Kelly: Well, can’t you just get up in the mornings before work and paint!?!
Jenny: KELLY!!!! NO!!!!!!
Kelly: Well, Jenny! How is Kyle ever supposed to get your phone number and ask you out!?!?! If you don’t come tomorrow that means you won’t see him for a month!!!!!!!! What if he meets someone else!!!
Jenny: Well. I guess if its meant to be then it will work itself out. Honestly, Kelly, I’ve got a lot more important things to worry about right now and I would have time to go on a date with him even if he asked me.
Kelly: (Yelling to kids in the background) Girls, Aunt Jenny’s not going!
Kids: WHAT!!!!! Tell her she has to!!
Kelly: The kids really want you to go.
Jenny: (at this point I just want to get off the phone) UGH…fine. I’ll think about it. I’ll see how much I get done today, but I’m telling you now that I’m 95% sure I’m not coming.
Kelly: Fine.
Jenny: Fine.
She calls 5 more times that evening which I never answer. She also has my brother call to tell me that he had a dream the night before that I would go to church the next day and meet the man I’m going to marry.
I spend the rest of the day obsessively aggravated over this “predicament”. Mostly because it shouldn’t even be one, but my sister, although I love her dearly, is the pushiest person I know and if you don’t do what she wants you’ll have to put up with her guilt trips and pouting.9.5 times out of 10 I just give in immediately. It’s just easier and I’m a lazy fighter.
The next morning at 8 am I am lying in bed.
Ring! Ring!!!
I let it go to voicemail and finally muster up the courage to tell her that I am definitely not going. So I call her back.
Jenny: Kelly, I JUST CAN’T GO.
Kelly: WHAT!!!!!!
The conversation from the day before repeats itself.
Kelly: Fine. If you don’t want to go—
Jenny: Kelly, It’s not that I don’t want to go!!! I know that you and the kids really like Kyle and are really excited to see what happens and want me to hurry up and fall in love with him so you can plan a wedding and I can start popping out kids. But, I don’t think you understand how much stress I am under. I am not even in the state of mind right now to even think about boys.
Kelly: Fine, I didn’t realize it was such a big deal. Don’t go. I understand. (in a pouty tone)
Jenny: NO, now your going to pout!
Kelly: No I’m not. (yes she is) It’s fine. I have to go and get the girls ready.
Jenny: Okay. I’m sorry!!!!
Kelly: It’s fine. I hope you get a lot of painting done. Bye.
Jenny: Bye.
Simpler Times

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