Today I am on a mission. What is that mission you ask? i'm going to drink a whole gallon of water. I've self-diagnosed...myself with dehydration. There are several pros for drinking a whole gallon of water in one day. #1. I rarely drink anything at all and therefore look dried up and dead. This ought to catch me up. #2. Lot's of cardio from getting up and going to the bathroom 100 times. #3. hopefully it will clear up all of this itching that I am suffering from which is either the result of dry skin or I'm growing a wicked patch of chest hair. #4. drinking alot of water helps you lose weight.
There are however a few cons that go along with drinking a gallon of water. #1. Having to stop what you're doing to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes is not only extremly inconvenient, but the chance of having an awkward bathroom run in jumps up ATLEAST 50%. #2. All of the handwashing is really making my hands dry and chapped....hopefully I am protecting myself by drinking all the water. #3. The water I bought tastes like crap.
So....will Mission H2O be all for not??? I suppose the scales will tell tommorow.
UPDATE: The What will from now on be referred to as Bargin Betty.
Also, it's been decided that Lemonhead should find himself a nice little internet girlfriend. I think it should either be someone really bossy and demanding (opposites attract you know) or someone who is so sweet and timid that she makes LH look like a facist Dictator. Look out for updates!!!
No surprise. Little Boss and Lemonhead wouldn't go to the movies with Me and Bargin Betty. I just wanted to do something as a family, but Nooooooooooooooooo. See if I EVER ask you guys to do anything special for the Rest of THE DAY!!!!!
OH WAIT!!!! I guess we can add The Etiquater to that list also. Hey, let me ask you something, Isn't it considered POOR ETIQUATE to decline an invitation???? i guess you did it as politely as possible though.
1 comment:
Isn't it impolite to leave your ole buddy Andrew out of the invitations?
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