Well DCS lovers. After a brief sabbatical, I'm back and ready to blog. NiKole* and Lemonhead are moving desks today under the supervision of the Ruiner. They will now be sandwiched up against eachother, but atleast it's better than sitting under the watchfull eagle eyes of little boss. (I'm not saying that he is physically little, He's just little in rank compared to the big boss, Flat-Top. )
In other news. I'm fat. I can no longer hide under the cloak of "average" or "curvey". I have offically crossed the line into "fat tub of lard". What's a girl to do??? If only there was a pill for will power. Or a pill that made everything you ate taste like fish or giant Walnut Cookies from that weird chinese place that Lemonhead and the Etiquater are always going to with the opposer. I'd have no problem not eating.
Also, we were looking at our chinese astrology charts today and aparently i'm a total annoying flake, little boss is a perv and only uses people, Nikole* is hateful social butterfly , and Lemonhead is a ferocious tiger that will eat anyone in his path, he is NOT the sweet little kitten he appears to be. DO NOT TRUST HIM, Don't make fun of him either. he might start crying...at work and then he'll get fired. Okay. my fingers hurt.
Stupid comment of the day goes to: The Etiquater. The Etiquater has not said a word all day. Silence DOES NOT save you from the stupid comment of the day. I'm making an example of her.
* names may or may have not been changed to protect the so-called innocent
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