Friday, September 02, 2005


Well, all, I just got back from my "date" which turned out to be a date pretty much. The movie was absolutely TERRIBLE. It didn't make one bit of sense, even for a fantasy movie, but Heath Ledger is always h-o-t-t so, I dealt with it. Jason didn't make a move or yawn at all the whole time....ofcourse that's probably because I kept my hands securely tucked away between my legs.
After the movie the four of us headed on over to Friday's like good little suburbanites and had a drink....well, they had water, i had 2 sips of a bloody mary that made my nose run like a river (which jason paid for). I didn't get anything to eat though, cause I freaked out on my way home from work and pigged out on taco bell (this is a whole other story entirely!!! Don't let me forget to tell it)cause I hadn't eaten anything except 2 Red Bulls and that incredible pumkin muffin....oooo. I think I'm hungry again. So I spent the rest of the night feeling like I weighed 200 lbs (ooo, sorry Joe) and PRAYING that I wouln't have a DA.
The only awkward moment of the night was when he took me back to my car. Instead of just dropping me off he pulled into a parking spot across the aisle. I pretty much hopped right out though. I WAS SOOOO TIRED. So then I felt bad, cause that probably really confused I called him and we talked on the phone for an hour. To sum it up: He's a great guy.....BUT we'll see. I'll probably go out with him again...I mean HANG OUT with him again. Have good weekends all. GOOD LUCK AJ!!!! xoxoxo

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